James Biddulph Jr announces alt-folk solo EP with foot-stomping single Best We Can Get

With instrumentation that nods to the likes of Simon and Garfunkel and a subtle Americana twang, James Biddulph Jr has marked his return to music and the announcement of his forthcoming solo EP with the release of his new single Best We Can Get.

The upbeat alt-folk record is the first of five set to make up James’ next record, which comes three years after his previous release, Chosen One. The introductory single really encapsulates why the former Red Kites frontman is back making music, having started recording the tracks in August. 

He said: “Best we can get I’d say it’s a tune about trying to keep positive and intouch with your creativity and muse even when things around you are a little tough, not always wanting more and appreciate your achievements even if they seem small in the grand scheme.”

The song boasts a foot-stomping rhythm and a rich stereo feel punctuated by acoustic guitars, harmonies, and touches of electric synth sounds. Melodies whistle their way through the track between James’ Bob Dylan-esque vocals, his songwriting is refreshingly honest, showcasing his positivity and resilience.

Playing up to James’ penchant for melody paired with unapologetic lyricism, Best We Can Get sets the stage for what’s already looking to be an exciting EP,  which promises ‘further expansive arrangements’ and some modern psychedelic twists.

But if you want to be the first to hear some of the brand new material, we’ve no doubt James will deliver during his upcoming live performances, including Honey Box Live this Sunday, April 7, and at next month’s Lymelight Festival.

In the meantime, you can listen to Best We Can Get, released April 2, here:

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